Tarver Sales · Folsom, LA 70437 · 800-848-9303

Chinese Red Cow Peas

In Bahia Grass

Chinese Red Cow Peas

In Bahia Grass


Plant-O-Vated in Bahia grass sod, July 2010

BMR Sorghum Cross Hybrid Sudan Grass, for energy,  mixed with Chinese Red Cow Peas to produce nitrogen for the sorghum/sudan and high quality, high protein peas.

An abundance of high quality perennial Bahia grass continues to produce during and after the Plant-O-Vated crop of sorghum and peas.


Sudan Grass with Chinese Red Cow Peas

20 days after planting

30 days after planting

37 days after planting

NOTE: Lush Bahia grass grew during the growth and grazing of the Sudan –Sorghum-Peas combination and continued to produce for the balance of the year.