Tarver Sales · Folsom, LA 70437 · 800-848-9303

Chinese Red Cow Peas

In Bahia Grass

Chinese Red Cow Peas

In Bahia Grass

plant-o-vating seed bed

It is all about:

§ Seed bed

§ Placement of fertilizer

§ Preserving and enhancing perennial and native grasses while growing additional forages through the interseeding process

§ Producing lasting fertility through preserving organic material

§ Producing nitrogen with legumes (Chinese Red Cow Peas), Mung beans, clay peas, clovers

§ Preserving and enhancing the earth’s sod cover—and let it work for us.

Text Box: Seeding
Text Box: Fertilizer/soil mixture
Text Box: 3 inches
Text Box: Average of  5˝ inch depth