Chinese Red Cow Peas

In Bahia Grass

Tarver Sales · Folsom, LA 70437 · 800-848-9303

Chinese Red Cow Peas

A second late fall crop of Chinese Red Cow Peas “planted” by the grazing cattle!


§ Mature peas formed approximately 45 to 50 days after planting.

§ Approximately 2 out of every 5 pods mature earlier. The cattle shatter these dry peas and walk them into the soil while grazing the green pods. This creates high quality, late summer, second crop of early fall grazing.

§ “Mob” graze the peas and grasses in late October. Then rye grass for winter grazing can be spread over the loose, mellow sod containing much organic material and green manure. “Bush hog mulch” the remaining stalks and grass to cover the seed.

Plant-O-Vated in Bahia grass sod

Late summer/fall 2010

During the very dry fall of 2014, overseeded rye grass sprouted and grew under and in the layer of mulched, organic moisture-conserving material and in the loose, mellow ground created by the earlier Plant-O-Vation of the pea crop.

§ This mellow environment with all the nitrogen residue from the pea legumes is sufficient “fertilizer” nutrient for the rye grass.

§ High quality forages “year ‘round” with the least financial input.

With the Plant-O-Vator system and Chinese Red Cow Peas, we have the ability to mulch our fields much like mulching our vegetable gardens.