Chinese Red Cow Peas

In Bahia Grass

Tarver Sales · Folsom, LA 70437 · 800-848-9303

Text Box: The Plant-O-Vator was used for planting Johnstone fescue and creeping alfalfa and applying fertilizer in seed bed beneath seed—all in one trip—in fields that had not been cultivated in 24 years. 

Prior to this Plant-O-Vator operation, irrigation water could not penetrate, ran across the field, and “puddled”. Fertilizer gave no results. After using the Plant-O-Vator, the water soaked underground without surfacing. 

The native grasses in between the rows received the fertilizer and water under their roots resulting in fantastic growth. The grasses had to be cut for hay so the new plants could have sunlight.

Alfalfa planted in old stand of alfalfa and grass in April 1994. 1 month after planting.

Excellent alfalfa and grass mixture for horse hay.

Text Box:  Colorado
Text Box: Lander, Wyoming
Nature Conservancy

plant-o-vating in colorado and wyoming